Congratulations Elanie Reyes and Charlie Hoopes for being the AIS September Sub from a Sub winners! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
elanie reyes
charlie hoopes
Alliance Intermediate School had a picnic in the park on Friday for all students who met the monthly incentive goal! Way to go! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
AIS Students
AIS Students
AIS Students
AIS Students
The 4th graders from Alliance Intermediate School visited the J. T. Huston - Dr. J.D. Brumbaugh Nature Center last week to check on the crops they planted last spring! What a fun learning experience! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Nature Center Field Trip
Nature Center Field Trip
Nature Center Field Trip
Nature Center Field Trip
Students at Alliance Intermediate School played Human Bingo during Start With Hello Week! This activity encouraged students to learn more about their classmates and interact with more than just their friends! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
AIS Students
AIS Students
AIS Students
It was great to see all the families taking part in the Fathers Walk Your Child to School day today! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
fathers walk
fathers walk
fathers walk
fathers walk
Don't forget tomorrow is Fathers Walk Your Child to School day for families at AELS, AES, AIS and PLDC! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
fathers walk your child to school day info
The Varsity Girls Soccer team is hosting their annual Daddy-Daughter Night on Monday! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
daddy-daughter night
All AIS students earned an extra recess for their August behavior incentive. Students had to maintain level 1 or ACE to earn this incentive. Way to go AIS students! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
AIS Students
AIS Students
AIS Students
AIS Students
September is Attendance Awareness Month! Missing just two days of school a month can drastically impact a child's education. It's important that students are at school learning each and every day! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
attendance aware ness month
Reminder: No school on Friday for a Teacher Day and Monday for Labor Day! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
no school sept. 2 & Sept. 5
On Thursday, Sept. 15, fathers and father figures are encouraged to walk their children to school! AELS, AES, AIS and PLDC will be taking part in the event this year! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
fathers walk your child to school day info
ACS Picture Day Schedule: Monday, Aug. 29 - AIS Tuesday, Aug. 30 - AHS Tuesday, Sept. 13 - AMS Tuesday, Oct. 4 - AES Wednesday, Oct. 12 - AELS K & AM PreK Thursday, Oct. 13 - AELS 1st & PM PreK Wednesday, Oct. 26 - PLDC
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Class lists are available on the front doors of each building, including AMS! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
class lists
School starts in a week! Make sure you students are prepared for the first day! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
school supply lists
Don't forget to fill out your child's forms as soon as possible! All forms must be completed before the start of school. #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
Open House dates are below! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
open house dates
Check out the Start and End Times for the 2022-23 School Year! The only building that's changed is Alliance Elementary School. #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
start and end times
Alliance City Schools will have staggered start dates once again this year! See below to know when your child/children will begin attending. More information will be sent on ParentSquare soon. #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
start dates
Aviator Families, you should have recently received an email about completing all forms in FinalForms. They must be fully completed as soon as possible! #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
The last day for the free summer meals program is next Thursday. #RepthatA
over 2 years ago, Cheyanne Gonzales
free summer meals