The menus for the Grab-And-Go Meals are subject to change without notice. Thank you for understanding.
ACS is having a virtual spirit week starting Monday! Post your pictures to social media with each day's theme using #RepthatA!
If you would like to have your spirit week photos posted to the district Facebook page, email them to news@alliancecityschools.org each day before 2 pm.
Alliance Intermediate School students celebrated their good behavior with a trip to Sky Zone! Congratulations to all the students who were able to attend! Keep up the great work! #RepthatA
Little Aviators Youth Track & Field is available for students in grades 1-6! #RepthatA
Call for an appointment! #RepthatA
Alliance Intermediate School hosted a dance this past weekend! The students danced the night away! #RepthatA
Congratulations to the AIS Top Gun raffle winners! Keep up the great work! #RepthatA
Girl on the Run registration begins Feb. 17! Registration can be done on line at www.gotrco.org/Programs-Registration or by printing the form here: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/585919/AllianceSchools_GOTR_ECO_2020_paper_reg_.pdf
The students at Alliance Intermediate School who earned the monthly behavior incentive were able to go to North Canton Skate & Entertainment. They all had a fun time! Keep up the great work! #RepthatA
Due to the inclement weather, Alliance City Schools will be closed Today, Friday, February 7, 2020. Alliance Career Center Adult Education day and evening classes will be in session.
Congratulations to the AIS students who earned Honor Roll and Merit Roll for the second 9-weeks! RepthatA
Congratulations to Top Gun students at AIS for the second quarter! Keep up the great work, kiddos! #RepthatA
The next free laundry event is coming up! Call to make an appointment! #RepthatA
We would like to congratulate Suzanne Stieglitz, AIS music teacher, for being named a finalist for Music Educator of the Year! This is a well-deserved recognition and we are thrilled to have a teacher like Mrs. Stieglitz as a member of the Aviator team! #RepthatA
The students at Alliance Intermediate School had a fun time at the McDonald's Night last week! Did any of our students take your order or deliver your food last Tuesday? #RepthatA
There's no school tomorrow, Friday, Jan. 17 and Monday, Jan. 20! #RepthatA
Tomorrow is AIS Night at McDonalds! #RepthatA
AIS Night at McDonald's is just a week away! #RepthatA