🩷 #LikeAGirl It's A Compliment 🩷
The gallery walk was a huge success! Thank you to all the students, staff, families and community members who came out to hear about the #LikeAGirl project and a see the amazing pictures of our Aviators! #RepthatA
Alliance Intermediate School hosted another successful Muffins & Masterpieces event! Families of current art students had the chance to attend the event where they enjoyed yummy muffins and snacks then created a new masterpiece led by Renee Marinchek, the AIS art teacher. #RepthatA #ACSFamilyEngagement
There will be no school for students on Tuesday, March 19! #RepthatA
Stop by Alliance High School on Thursday to see the #LikeAGirl gallery! You won't want to miss it! #RepthatA
Reminder: Friday, March 15 is an early dismissal for all buildings. Schools will let out two hours early.
Alliance Preschool will not have school. Instead families are encouraged to take part in the planned Family Engagement day. #RepthatA
The Winter edition of Aviator In-Flight News ✈️ hit mailboxes on Friday! This edition is packed full of all the great things that have been happening at ACS.
If you missed it, check out the digital edition here: https://www.alliancecityschools.org/page/acs-district-newsletter
Alliance Intermediate School hosted a Gallery Walk on Wednesday to showcase the Black History Month Projects the students worked hard on! Every 4th grader at AIS spent time in their reading classes researching an individual of their choice. They selected athletes, musicians, artists, civil rights leaders and even local leaders who they were inspired by. The student wrote a report and presented about their person then created a poster board, cereal box or diorama with history, fun facts and information they learned.
The students worked very hard on their projects and were excited to welcome community members and their families to see see the Black History Month Gallery! The guests were tasked with picking three projects and providing feedback for the students. All 4th graders also had the opportunity to peer review a project of their choice.
What a wonderful project for our Aviators! Way to go, AIS 4th graders! 👏👏 #RepthatA
We are excited to announce that every student and staff member at Alliance City Schools will receive a pair of Solar Eclipse Glasses! These special glasses will allow our Aviators to safely experience this historic event. The glasses will be distributed by the buildings at the beginning of April. #RepthatA
Congratulations to the February Alliance Intermediate School Sub from a Sub winners - Kevin Kridler & Kendall Ochsenbein! Keep up the great works! #RepthatA
The Alliance Intermediate School Choir is learning the Chinese folksong, "Mō Lì Huā (Jasmine Flower)" for their spring performance on April 30. Charlie's mom, Mrs. Jia, and Joey's mom, Mrs. Antonosanti came to choir to teach us how to pronounce the Chinese lyrics of the song.
They learned that this song is a very popular folksong that all children knew when they were growing up in China. Their special guests shared where they were from, what school was like for them, and other interesting things about China. They answered questions that student's had and it was such a lovely visit. Thank you so much for sharing your culture with our students! The AIS choir appreciates your help and kindness! #RepthatA
Renee Marinchek's art classes at Alliance Intermediate School are learning about the artist Jeff Koons. Koons is known for his large-scale sculptures of polished metal balloon animals.
Brittany Owens, an Aviator parent and local business owner of Celebration Destination, visited the class to showcase her talents! She provided inspiration for the students as they go on to create a Koons-inspired art project. #RepthatA
We have a 1st Place team! 🥇
Congratulations to Talen Henderson, Dawson Sedei, Andrew Horning and Ross Gardner for earning the top spot the State STEM Challenge on Friday! Their project won them a small solar panel generator for Alliance Intermediate School. We are so proud of these boys! #RepthatA
Alliance City Schools will be closed on Monday, April 8th for the Solar Eclipse.
After consulting with the Stark County Emergency Management Agency and the Stark County Education Service Center, we have determined that it is in the best interests of our students, staff, and families to close school due to the anticipated number of people that will visit Stark County to view the Eclipse. Additional information for Aviator Families is available on ParentSquare. #RepthatA
Students at Alliance Intermediate School recently traveled to North Canton Skate and Entertainment Center for their monthly incentive! They had so much fun! #RepthatA
Help us wish good luck to Andrew Horning, Talen Henderson, Ross Gardner and Dawson Sedei as they take part in the State STEM Challenge tomorrow!
The team took part in the Alliance Intermediate School STEM Challenge in January where they presented their winning idea on how to improve the health and well-being of astronauts aboard Starlab orbiting the Earth.
We know they will represent us well tomorrow! #RepthatA
Renee Marinchek's art classes at Alliance Intermediate School have been working on a multi-media artwork inspired by graffiti art. Students used sponges to make brick-like prints, chalk pastels to write and draw on their brick walls and watercolor to paint their names. Watching the students experiment with various kinds of materials was really fun to see! #RepthatA
Students in grades K-5 are taking part in C&A's Jars for Change fundraiser! #RepthatA
Alliance Intermediate School hosted a "Soup"er Bowl challenge for their staff! A group of judges were tasked with tasting all the soups and voting for their top three .
Congratulations to the winning staff memerbs!
1st Place: Melanie Dubaj
2nd Place: Ashley Peterson
3rd Place: Diana Roth
Reminder: There will be no school on Monday, Feb. 19 in observance of Presidents' Day. #RepthatA
Congratulations to Myrah Garrison and Aamir Tufail for being the AIS Sub from a Sub winners for January! #RepthatA